Sunday October 6th

Potluck 4pm-8pm

Bennington Circle

Neigborhood Meet & Greet


Volunteers Needed

Call Amanda

970 217 8129

or Jen 970 237 1569




How it began…

Oktoberfest Potluck


 Several years ago, Jen and Amanda of Bennington Circle organized small neighborhood  summer block parties, and held the memorable Halloween Parade during COVID. The kids enjoyed these events so much, that they have made it a tradition. Please contact Jen or Amanda to volunteer.  We never say no to help. ( Call or text Jen 970 237 1569 or Amanda 970 217 8129).

This year the neighborhood Meet & Greet is a potluck and is later in the year to increase participation. We encourage new and existing neighbors on Stuart, across from Bennington, to come. And encourage the new and existing neighbors on the adjacent streets of Lexington and Huntington to join in the Fall Festival Oktoberfest Meet & Greet.

Join the Fun



Enjoy a petting zoo, face painting, floating apple pick-up game, pumpkin on head balancing game, indian corn necklace making, corn husk doll making, and fall wreath making.


It’s a potluck! We will offer a “bake your own pretzel” booth and Bratwurst with sauerkraut and cider. Apple Cider Mocktails & Butterbeer (Harry Potter) will be available for adults & kids and as well as a decorate-your-own donut stand. Smore’s around the fire will be served at dusk.


Octoberfest garb or costume is strongly encouraged. Find the Fall Festival at end of the U at Bennington Circle. Times of events will be updated on this page soon. For those bringing a few beers to enjoy with your pretzels and brats, please come to the 2044 Bennington Circle designated area only (Biergarten). Prost!