
Welcome to My Polymer Clay Diary 

Welcome to My Polymer Clay Diary

Part I: Polymer Clay DIY Miniature Chocolate Covered Cherries

  There is a magical color that exists in the polymer clay world. It’s literally the perfect color and texture for chocolates.

But before I reveal the color that will change your polymer clay miniature food reality forever, lets talk about clay. I have found that no matter what brand of clay you choose (fimo, cernit, sculpey, premo, kato), all clays are created “not” equal. Different colors from the same brand can be stickier than others, more crumbly than others. Some like reds with leach off into your hands, while other colors are more stable. Some clay colors even turn out to be a different color shade when baked. Learning this from the begining will make creating minis easier for you. Don’t get frustrated when two colors of clay from the same line and company act very differently. I have had a beautiful light blue sculpey souffle burn on me consistently with perfect over temp and bake time. Translucent clay will also burn easily. Know your medium and what to expect.  This is part of being a polymer clay artist. 

Now that we have our little lesson out of the way, the color in reference that has changed my life is by premo and it’s called Burnt Umber. It does two magical things. Other that usually being very stable to work with, unlike some other colors, this clay has a texture and a color that resembles actual Hershey’s chocolate exactly!  The texture when cut with a craft knife looks exactly like pieces of chocolate that have broken off. This clay is PERFECT for chocolate shaving toppings too. I consider it one of the best clays to work with that I have ever come across. Now there is another cool color for a buttercream chocolate frosting.  It’s called Cowboy by Sculpey Souffle. You can view it in my YouTube video of the chocolate cake necklace here:

LET’S MAKE MINIS!  Love, Amazing Amanda 

Part II: My Diary Entry & The Ramblings of an Obsessed Polymer Clay Artist

This disorganized rambling content highlights some of the thoughts that cross my mind daily about art, my art, other peoples art, art to come, art that was….. It may be obtuse and personal.  And for those readers who are looking for true polymer clay diary content, you have just found it. 

Over the last year I have excelled in the art (or craft) of making mini polymer clay food charms. How? I have the passion and drive of a sculptor! Why? It’s just fun and easy for me. I like experiments and I’m not afraid of failure. It just gets me closer to successes, like daily.  A certain theme continues to creep about in the forefront of my mind.  Because polymer clay is a relatively new art material, does it have the lasting qualities needed to stand the test of time? Will it become brittle and crack in 50 years? Will the pastel colors, acrylic paint or actual clay color fade in 100 years? Will the resin turn yellow? Do I enjoy polymer clay because it is a new experimental medium? Why do I have these thoughts, and what experiments can I do to expose my creations to harsh weather and sun to get the answers I seek?  All of these questions are all leading to the ultimate question: how to out-create myself. Perhaps I will expand out to larger wall media pieces, or perhaps just larger pop art food pieces. I don’t know, but something is brewing. I’m stewing. I’m excited and frustrated about time constraints, and not being able to work in my lair for 10 hours a day. When will I make a piece that takes up my whole oven, or perhaps bribe a baker to use their oven and make something huge!  And why even did I choose food as my subject of choice?  There are a few reasons that come to mind right off the bat. Food is a very special thing. For me food is a key to unlocking memories of  special people in my life, like my grandfather who would bring me half moon cookies 40 years years ago when I was little! They were so big to me at the time, and they took 2 to 3 days for me to eat. I thought they were spectacular, and they were.  I’m joyful every-time I lay eyes on one. Food can be beautiful and this beauty is also fleeting, which makes it even more beautiful. Miniatures can memorialize these foods made with love and care prepared by the culinary masters in our lives. A plate of food can represent culture, a region, or a time in history. Today I was playing the Candy Land board game with my son.  We have the original version and the new version. I think I gave my son his first art lesson today. The boxes looked different. I let him know that both boxes had the same game inside, but the Classic version had a different art style graphic that was popular a number of decades ago, and the current version has a style of art that is popular now. I let him know that styles are always changing in art and in music….and in food. Do you know what a red devil sandwich is? There is barely a mention on google! I looked it up and it’s NOT this (hysterical laughter)

I’ll have to memorialize a red devil sandwich with with a polymer clay mini and a blog post/video.   

Sometimes I think, “what else is possible with polymer clay that I’ve never considered”. I also ask myself dreamy questions like, ” If money, time, society, or any other limitation was not a consideration, or didn’t matter,  what else would I like to create, and what else is possible, and what would it take?”. 

I have many more questions about logistics & destroying limitations. For example, “What other materials are available to me that I could use to create, that already exist in this reality, that I don’t yet know exist?”  And,  “What  would it take to create something with ease that is an awesome contribution for myself and to the planet?” I have a lot of ideas. And I’m confident I’ll get to most of them, because, the truth is, I’m pretty much obsessed with creating with polymer clay. I hope my questions have got your creative juices flowing too.  Happy Crafting. Love, Amanda

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